This document outlines all required information to complete a prequalification with JE Dunn Construction.

  1. General information - About your company, i.e., name, address, phone, e-mail & contact person.
  2. Company classification - List any business preference or classification your company holds, e.g., disadvantage business, veterans, 8(a) Certified, etc.
  3. Locations - List which area(s) or region(s) in which your company(s) will work.
  4. Accounting Information - Your company's accounting firm/CPA contact information.
  5. Financial Statements - You will be asked to key in certain financial statement information. Also a recent copy of your CPA prepared financial statements must be submitted. Statements must be reviewed or audited by a CPA firm.
  6. Banking - Include banking name, address & contact information. Also credit line details.
  7. Bonding - Include your bonding agent contact information.
  8. Letter of Bondability - Include a copy of your bonding status and capability. How much is your total bonding capacity? How much can you bond per project?
  9. Trade References - Who you currently do business with. (At least 3 are required.)
  10. Project References - Recently completed projects with details to include the General Contractor, value of subcontract and completion dates. (At least 3 are required)
  11. Safety Information - Information related to your company's safety program.
  12. Experience Modification Rate (EMR) - Experience Modification Rate information.
  13. OSHA/Lost workday Incident Rates - Your company's OSHA/Lost workday incident history.
  14. Quality Assurance/Quality Control - Your company's quality assurance/quality control program.