1. Who needs to fill out these forms?
    • All trade partners, suppliers and professional service firms that wish to receive invitations to bid on work with JE Dunn are required to complete our prequalification criteria. We've attempted to make the process as simple and intuitive as possible, meaning you should be able to complete your profile in about 30 minutes or less. So that you'll be prepared to finish it in one sitting, please see the list of required information that you'll need here: https://sms.jedunn.com/required_documents.
  2. I cannot remember my username/password. What do I do?
    • When you attempt to log in as a returning user, you will find a link near the bottom of the page that says "Forgot your password?" Click here and you will be prompted to enter your email address.
    • When logging in, please be sure to fully type both the username and password in the corresponding fields, and do not simply copy and paste the information from another page, as the system may not accept it.
    • If your company has multiple branches that share the same financial info, we still ask that you complete a profile for each branch (paired with the correct branch's D-U-N-S® number) and provide information that will be unique to that branch, such as contact info, locations, etc. This way, we can remain updated on the work each of your offices is doing across the country.
    • If your corporate financials are uploaded and kept current elsewhere in our system, such as under a headquarters profile, and you wish to update them within only that profile, please indicate this in the "Section Notes" field so that we are aware of where to reference that information when needed.
  3. What does "Company Classification" mean?
    • Your company may qualify as a Disadvantaged, Women-Owned, Minority-Owned, Small, Disabled-Veteran, and/or HubZone Business Enterprise. If applicable, in the "Company Classification" section, identify yourself as any of these from the drop-down box and provide a copy of your certification along with the expiration date of your certificate.
  4. If we do work in multiple trades, how do I identify this?
    • If your company performs work in multiple trades, indicate this in the "Locations" section by simply holding down the Ctrl key while selecting each applicable trade.
  5. Why is it necessary to disclose our company's financial condition/statements? Our company is privately held and does not release this information.
    • We recognize the sensitivity of a company's financial information, so first and foremost, please understand that the only individuals that will be exposed to this information are the small group of members within our risk management team. Project managers or members of the operations teams will not have access, nor will the information be discussed with or made public to anyone outside of our group. Please see our privacy statement here.
    • Review of your company's financial standing is not used to necessarily qualify or disqualify you from obtaining work with JE Dunn. It allows us to best understand the capabilities of and how to work with your company and make sure the project is executed smoothly. By performing this analysis up front on all trade partners involved, you can be assured that everyone on the job is well-suited and ready to perform, minimizing the potential for any job delays or other complications. By supplying the requested information, it helps lower the risk to you.
  6. Our company does not have an Experience Modification Rate (EMR). What do I place in this field?
    • If your company has not been assigned an EMR rating, please provide a brief explanation in the "Section Notes" area located under "Section 4 - Safety". Within the "Experience Modification Rate (EMR)" section, simply place a "1". This will not negatively affect your company's profile, but will simply serve as a placeholder to complete the section.
  7. I've entered our banking, bonding, project references, etc., and the system is still giving me a RED CIRCLE. What do I do?
    • If you have fully completed a section but are still receiving a RED CIRCLE, typically an explanation written in bold will appear at the top of the screen immediately following your submission. Some common reasons for incompletion are:
      • Expiration dates on items such as Lines of Credit or Bonding relationships have passed. Make sure to update these dates and information that may have changed.
      • You do not have at least three project references listed that have been completed within the last two years. Please provide an updated listing of projects.
      • Some required information is missing. Note that all fields accompanied by an asterisk are required for section completion.
  8. I input some information incorrectly, and now the system will not let me go back and correct it. How can I change this?
    • If you've accidentally input incorrect or incomplete information and are unable to edit it, please reach out to us through the "Contact Us" link, and a member of our team will be able to assist in making any needed corrections.
  9. How often do I have to submit a prequalification form?
    • Each of our trade partners is required to renew their prequalification form annually. You will receive an e-mail reminder 30 days prior to your annual submission due date along with a link that takes you to the database. It will not be necessary to resubmit the entire form, only certain fields that will be indicated with a RED CIRCLE.
    • Please do not create a new prequalification form, as this may result in duplicate profiles.
  10. Can I update sections that are already marked with a GREEN CHECK?
    • Yes! We encourage you to visit your profile regularly to update anything that may have changed, even if the GREEN CHECK exists.
    • If your company contact information has changed, please update your new email, phone number, new certifications/locations, etc. so that any correspondence directed your way finds its proper destination. Quarterly or other interim financial statements you wish to provide throughout the year are helpful for us during our review process, as are frequent updates to your banking/bonding relationships.
  11. I'm still having problems, what do I do?
    • If you're still having an issue with a particular section, simply click on the "Support" tab on the right side of your screen, type in your problem, and someone will respond to your issue in a timely manner.
  12. Can I add an additional user to my company's profile? I would like multiple people in my office to be able to update our profile.
    • Yes. In order to add another user to your profile, simply visit sms.jedunn.com, click on: "Create an Account / Add User" and follow the instructions. Each additional user will be required to submit your company's W-9.